Thursday, May 7, 2009

Bong Hits for Jesus

Bong Hits for Jesus
Minor is the one word everyone that is in fact a minor HATES hearing. But, I think when were in the process of “growing up” we take for granted everything that is put in place to protect us. In this particular instance I don’t think it was wrong that the principal took the banner down, she has to worry about hundreds of other kids and also the reputation of the school. As kids, we don’t understand how immature our actions are, we want the same rights that every adult is given. But this obviously isn’t possible; I don’t think it’s wrong that rights are taken away as soon as we enter a school setting.

BUT, I also think that if the government is going to take away rights that were given to us as Americans. Then, there should be one general standard age. The government likes to use the law to its advantage because they know they can. If we are able to be shipped off to war at the age of 18 with a chance of losing our lives, then we should be able to go have a drink at a bar or club. We can go to jail at 18 probably even younger, but we can’t have a beer?

There are very good reasons for having the laws for kids in school in place, they protect our kid’s, little brother’s, little sister’s, cousins, nieces and nephews. But like I’ve said in my recent blogs, the law has a way of bending itself to play into the hands of the government. So basically what I think about this whole situation is that the kid is an IDIOT for even wasting his time to put a banner up like that, and the principal did the right thing by taking it down.

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